One of the things we do down here is care for the lodge that we rent out to groups, which we call the "Mission." Lately I have been working with the plants a lot and have found much joy is watching them grow. How miraculous the earth is! Hopefully soon I will share some photos of our roses, bougainvilleas, and birds of paradise. I get excited over the smallest little flower.
If you are interested, recent photos can be seen on our Photo Blog at I have posted quite a few new pictures of the kids and our life in Mexico. We are having a blast using our skills and hobbies as relationships grow down here. Nic is busy with his favorite things: making music, making good food, and fixing bikes. I have felt blessed to pick up some of my old hobbies too: sewing, some jewelry-making, gardening, and I've enjoyed working with the kids on homework, especially homework on the computer as they are just starting to explore the internet.