We haven't written in a while partly because we were on vacation with my family and partly because we have sad news to share. The life of a missionary is as heartbreaking as it is inspiring, uplifting, and exciting. It is easy to romanticize this life: moving to a foreign land, following God's call, making new friends and seeing people come to know God. This life is all of that but it also brings challenges and difficulties. It also brings goodbyes.
As an orphanage in Mexico, we know that there is always a chance that the at-risk kids in our home (those who do have at least one parent but come from an at-risk situation) could be taken out at any time. In August, we had to say goodbye to Jose, Blanca, and Enrique, three siblings whose mother chose to put them into different situations. Blanca is with an aunt, Enrique is back with his mother, and Jose is with his two older brothers in a Christian home dedicated to the discipleship of young men.
The door is always open for these kids to return. We pray for them and will do what we can to stay in contact and support them in any way. I know there is still much prayer needed for the house parents as they have said goodbye to three children that were as close to them as their own. There is an emptiness in the house felt by all the children, the parents, and us. Please pray for Jose, Blanca, and Enrique in their new homes. God is good and we can trust His plan for all of our lives!
I especially admired these young ones. I am glad I got to meet them. It is hard for them to meet and connect with people who come for a short time, but there was something special about these 3. All of the kids at Casa Hogar are beautiful. It is hard to express, but Angela and Danny must be doing an exceptional job as all of these little ones were very polite and well behaved as far as I saw when I was there visiting. I pray all the kids return throughout their lives, showing what good things were accomplished in their lives during their time at Casa Hogar. I am certain they are benefitting and will always be glad for the time they spent at Casa Hogar. Maybe some will return someday to serve in some capacity. Who Knows? God does. Keep up the good work everyone.