Sunday, September 13, 2009

Enjoying God's Creations

Here is a view from our back patio of the many people it takes to harvest the tiny chile peppers (chile gueros) grown around here. Crop after crop, people work in the fields year-round. This summer the heat has been so intense, and it is hard to imagine how they can work all day under such a hot sun! Little rain and the heat have resulted in some local fires, as well, but I think they have them under control.

As fall approaches, it has been really beautiful here and we are feeling more at home in this little town. We have shared more time with friends and been invited to some fiestas. (If you are ever invited to a Mexican party, don't hesitate, but go with an empty stomach because there will be much food!)

One of the things we do down here is care for the lodge that we rent out to groups, which we call the "Mission." Lately I have been working with the plants a lot and have found much joy is watching them grow. How miraculous the earth is! Hopefully soon I will share some photos of our roses, bougainvilleas, and birds of paradise. I get excited over the smallest little flower.

If you are interested, recent photos can be seen on our Photo Blog at I have posted quite a few new pictures of the kids and our life in Mexico. We are having a blast using our skills and hobbies as relationships grow down here. Nic is busy with his favorite things: making music, making good food, and fixing bikes. I have felt blessed to pick up some of my old hobbies too: sewing, some jewelry-making, gardening, and I've enjoyed working with the kids on homework, especially homework on the computer as they are just starting to explore the internet.

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